Monday, June 29, 2009

jicama - um, yeah, now what do i do with it?

for the first time ever i tried a jicama a couple weeks ago. it's a very strange veggie (or is it a fruit?). it has the texture of a raw russet potato, tastes sort of like a granny smith apple when raw, and yellow squash when cooked. we tried it raw, baked and fried. seems raw is the best way to eat one (which is why people mostly use it in slaws and fruit salsas). i really liked it, but i'm not sure how i am going to incorporate it into our menus. it's definitely worth trying and i'll post again if i find a really yummy way to serve it.


i think one of my favorite sandwiches of all time is still a pb&j. now over the years, i've managed to damn near perfect it (ugh, that really is sad). see when i was a kid, we kept the peanut butter in the fridge - i don't know if it was because peanut butter went bad back then, or why we did it, we just did - but as you can imagine that made it an awful unspreadable goop that just tore up the bread of every sandwich i'd make, that and it mellowed the taste. we also used jelly, which imo is like grape jello on a sandwich. well, now, as an adult i've learned that the BEST pb&j is with room temp peanut butter, which spreads like velvet over the bread, and grape jam, which has such a rich grape flavor it just explodes in my mouth. so next time you have a late night craving, make one of these. oh, and can you make one for me too? plskthx


first blog entries are always lame, but you've got to start somewhere...

this blog is going to be very random - which is how my brain works. could be just a quick thought, a long rant, or just general musings, blabbing on about new foods and recipes i'm trying - just whatever is rattling around in my head atm. i'm not going to restrict myself to keeping it SFW which is why you have to click though a waiver thingy. you can expect cussing, bitchy rants, links to utter nonsense and whatever else i feel like putting here. if you don't like it then fuck off.
